Homemade Healthy Raspberry Gummies

Homemade Healthy Raspberry Gummies

It never fails!  Every time my kids and I walk into the bulk food store, they make a beeline for the section with rainbow-filled bins of glowing gummy worms and gummy bears.  Even the healthiest of bulk food stores has candy.  And while it may be "sugar-free" and...

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Gluten-Free Morning Glory Cookies

Gluten-Free Morning Glory Cookies

During COVID-19 we've been hitting the grocery store (usually Costco) every two weeks.  Seeing that we've got a bubble of 8 people in one household (including 3 very hungry little humans - my kids) we need more food than usual.  To avoid hitting the grocery store, we...

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Whole Food Rainbow Popsicles

Whole Food Rainbow Popsicles

Naomi is obsessed with rainbows. They are everywhere - when she draws, paints, on her birthday cake, and even her underwear.  She asked for rainbow hair and I said no.  But when rainbow popsicles were requested, I obliged. To be honest, I was pretty excited about...

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10 delicious ways to use chickpeas

10 delicious ways to use chickpeas

It's a bummer because my husband has a sensitivity to chickpeas (and lentils).  His lips get tingly and his scalp gets itchy.  As much as I love him, it doesn't stop me from buying chickpeas. And given that we're limiting visits to the grocery store, I have my Costco...

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Is your child underweight?

Is your child underweight?

My first little girl is one of the biggest reasons I started helping families five years ago. I experienced motherhood with an underweight child who just wouldn't gain weight or grow. My daughter was 4.5 pounds at birth and every single day for the next few years of...

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