Hey there, I’m Danielle Binns.
A Certified Nutritionist and Picky Eating Expert.
But most importantly, a mom to three incredible girls who gets it.
I’ve been in the trenches of the food struggle, facing the challenges of feeding picky eaters firsthand, dreading meals before they even started.
My journey began with my first daughter, who was not just a picky eater but also underweight and a sensitive, strong-willed kid with sensory challenges.
The tears at the table were a daily occurrence, and even as a Nutritionist,
…I felt lost.
The Picky Eating Struggle Was Real.
I understand your frustration (when your child continues to reject foods even after offering numerous times).
I understand your worry (these are crucial developmental years when their nutrition matters).
I understand your overwhelm (with so much information out there, what’s right?)
Because I’ve been there and I struggled too.
Until I found the answer.
I never thought feeding my child would be this hard.

During my pregnancy, I was floating and in bliss as I envisioned the future with our perfect baby. While I felt wonderful, my seemingly perfect pregnancy ended abruptly when a diagnostic ultrasound revealed that our unborn baby dropped from the 15th to the 3rd percentile and was considered ‘failure to thrive’.
At that moment, everything changed.
These were supposed to be the happiest days of our lives, but were not…
During a sizing ultrasound, a cardiologist was called in. She delicately explained that our child also had a “large hole in her heart” while handing us a referral that is forever etched in my memory; on it were 3 words:
“Congenital Heart Defect”.
We were then told that our baby would require surgery by 4 months of age.

Waiting for the picky eating to pass.
A week later our daughter was born at 4 lbs 5 ounces and an IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) and SGA baby (small for gestational age). In the following months we battled through nursing, daily vomit, and no sleep. Our visits to the pediatrician often ended in tears as her weight crept up by just a few grams (or down).
My gut told me something was wrong, but Sienna’s specialists remained hopeful that she would eventually catch-up. That day never came. At her first birthday, Sienna weighed 12 pounds placing her below the 0 percentile. The doctor’s finally agreed to investigate and genetic tests revealed our daughter had a rare mutation affecting her growth, appetite, and development – she was diagnosed with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS). My emotions didn’t know what to do with this new information…while we finally had clarity on why we had so many challenges, it was also more upsetting news.
All this time, I beat myself up for not helping her grow.
But she wasn’t like other kids.

As time passed, I hoped her picky eating would pass too.
But it only got worse.
Yet while I tried to follow the ‘feeding rules’, nothing was working.
It was terrifying to think my daughter was not getting enough nutrition so at times, I crossed the line.
I felt guilty using tactics to get something in her body. But I was operating out of desperation.
They say peer pressure works, yet playdates were painful too watching other kids happily fed themselves, while she resisted every bite.
I wish I knew THEN, what I know NOW.
After I spent years digging into the picky eating research, and acquired certifications in children’s eating, I realized my approach (the one others were teaching) was wrong.
That’s when I developed tried and true mealtime formulas (including the Picky Eater Protocol™ and 4Es to Better Eating™) that transformed my daughter into one of the most adventurous eaters at our table.
I wish I knew then that there was a better way to help my daughter.
But my mess has since allowed me to support other families, so they don’t make the same mistakes.
For us, picky eating is in the past and my daughter is thriving.
Over the past decade, I have had the privilege of showing other parents how to raise better eaters, who have a healthy relationship with food.
The better way!

It can seem like our ‘picky eaters’ are trying to be a pain, or push our buttons.
But trust me, as a mother and an expert in this field, I can tell you that every child wants to be a good eater.
Your child may be struggling with something and just need your help.
No matter how selective, stubborn, or sensitive they are – raising a healthy and adventurous eater (who doesn’t fight you over food) is 100% possible.
If my formula transformed my “problem eater”…imagine what it can do for your child.
Your child can thrive too.
My Credentials:
- Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)
- Naturally Designed Pregnancy & Postnatal Nutrition” Certified
- SOS Certified
- Feeding Matters Mentorship
- MAGIC Foundation Speaker

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